Alien RPG - Heart of Darkness

829 Kč
Skladem - Odesíláme do 1-2 dnů (2 ks)

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Uvnitř krabice se sadou Heart of Darkness naleznete herní scénář, mapy a dalším materiál pro hru na hrdiny Alien RPG. Sada je v angličtině, je k ní zapotřebí vlastnit základní pravidla nebo Starter Set.

The company found a new lifeform, and they want you to study it. Their offer’s uncharacteristically generous - you catalog this organism, determine how they can use it, and bring it back so they can slap their patent on it. Fairly routine stuff. In exchange, they ll hook you up with a cushy corporate department head position, secure you a book deal, and make sure the institute of your choice gives you tenure. Did I mention the money? There’s a lot of it. Simple survey, sample, and analysis job. Seemed too good to be true. Of course it is. Heart of Darkness is a complete Cinematic Scenario for the ALIEN roleplaying game, written by sci-fi novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska. It is a stand-alone adventure, but also serves as a conclusion to the Draconis Strain Saga begun in the cinematic scenario Chariot of the Gods and continued in Destroyer of Worlds. The scenario is designed for 3–5 players plus the Game Mother, and is a spiraling descent into soul-crushing madness. This boxed set contains: The main Heart of Darkness scenario book. A huge double-sided map (format 864 x 558 mm) of the Erebos plasma trawling space station. Seven pre-generated characters to choose from. Custom cards for secret messages and personal agendas. Player maps and handouts. Requiers the core rulebook to be played.

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