Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Gamemaster s Screen & Toolkit

669 Kč
Skladem - Odesíláme do 1-2 dnů (2 ks)

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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Gamemaster s Screen & Toolkit je šikovná pomůcka pro Gamemastera hry na hrdiny kombinující lovecraftovský horor s chaosem a hrdinstvím druhé světové války. Zástěna sestává ze čtyř panelů, které z vnějšku zdobí atmosférická grafika, z vnitřní strany pak užitečné tabulky a pravidla ze základních pravidel. Vhodné od 18 a více let. Zástěna je v angličtině. This handsome Gamemaster Screen contains four portrait-oriented panels, with stunning artwork from Boris Martsev featuring heroes of the Secret War like Professor Richard Deadman, Ariane Dubois, Sgt Brandon Carter, and an array of evil Black Sun and Nachtwölfe villains they’re battling. The interior features useful tables and charts from the core rulebook, as well as quick references and rules summaries to help the GM keep the action flowing. It may even offer protection from arcane spells, mystical forces, and the malign influence of the Mythos itself! The Gamemaster’s Toolkit will also help GM’s create memorable characters, adventures and campaigns to thrill and delight their players. Inside the booklet are a host of new tables, tools and suggestions for planning and creating detailed, compelling adventures, or improvising encounters on the fly, as well as advice, tips, and suggestions to present a veritable GM masterclass.

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